No âmbito do encontro “Towards an international typology of social enterprise models: Progress, perspectives and common trends” organizado pelo grupo de Trabalho 1 (theoretical foundations of SE), da Acção COST EMPOWER-SE (Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars), na universidade de Corvinus, Budapeste, em 16 e 17 de janeiro, a equipa do TIMES apresentou o paper:

Social Enterprises in Portugal: Concepts, contexts and models, Sílvia Ferreira (University of Coimbra) e Joana Almeida (Center for Social Studies)


This paper is organised in two parts. First, we explore the concepts and contexts related to social enterprises (SE) in Portugal, where, though literature review and policy analysis we describe how the concepts are being treated in research, in the political debate and how this has been translated into various government programs and measures. Secondly, based in literature review and interviews with key stakeholders of the Portuguese social economy, we explore the presence of five models of SEs in Portugal.